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African Ministers commit to transforming the Continent’s Transport and Energy Sectors in landmark Zanzibar Declaration

septembre 20, 2023 0 726

Convoquée sous les auspices du Quatrième Comité technique ordinaire spécialisé sur les transports, les infrastructures transcontinentales et interrégionales et l'énergie de l'Union africaine, la réunion a été organisée par la Commission de l'Union africaine (CUA) en collaboration avec l'Agence de développement de l'Union africaine (AUDA-NEPAD), la Banque africaine de développement (BAD) et Commission économique des Nations Unies pour l'Afrique (CEA).

Speaking at the Ministerial segment of the meeting, Robert Lisinge, Acting Director of the Private Sector Development and Finance Division at the ECA called on member states to address the barriers limiting private sector investments in infrastructure and energy, urging them to facilitate investments by creating conducive policy and regulatory environments. “The requirements of continental infrastructure development and the aspirations of Agenda 2063 and Agenda 2030 far exceed current levels of public sector investment,” he said.

He stressed that over the next ten years, there is a need for concerted action to address energy transition and security issues, in order to open up opportunities for the transformation of the continent. He cited ECA’s analytical work on the AfCFTA, which demonstrates there are investment opportunities for infrastructure development in the area of transport and energy and added that digitization and artificial intelligence offer great opportunities for the efficient operation of infrastructure.

According to the  Zanzibar Declaration, the Ministers adopted the AUC and ECA continental regulatory framework for crowding-in private sector investment in Africa’s electricity markets. This framework will be used as an instrument for fast-tracking private sector investment participation in Africa’s electricity markets. The Declaration also called on ECA and partners to develop a continental energy security policy framework as called for by the 41st Ordinary Session of the Executive Council and an Energy Security Index and Dashboard to track advancements in achieving Africa's energy security.

The meeting acknowledged the efforts by ECA to support Member States in coordinating Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) with development partners and the establishment of the African School of Regulation (ASR) as a pan-African centre of excellence to enhance the capacity of Member States on energy regulation.

The Declaration requested the ECA and partner institutions to further act in the following areas:

  • The AUC, in collaboration with AUDA-NEPAD, ECA, AfDB, RECs, Africa Transport Policy Programme (SSATP), and the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) Secretariat to implement the roadmap on the comprehensive and integrated regulatory framework on road transport in Africa.      
  • ECA, in collaboration with AUC, to identify innovative practices and initiatives that emerged in the aviation industry in Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic and propose ways of sustaining such practices, including the development of smart airports with digital solutions for improved aviation security facilitation and environmental protection.
  • ECA, in collaboration with AUC, to establish mechanisms for systematic implementation, monitoring and evaluation of continental strategies for a sustainable recovery of the aviation industry.
  • The AUC, AUDA-NEPAD, AfDB and UNECA to engage with development partners and Development Finance Institutions (DFIs) to mobilize resources for projects preparation and implementation of PIDA-PAP 2 projects.
  • ECA and AUC, in collaboration with partners, to coordinate PPP initiatives to avoid duplication of efforts and strengthen complementarity.
  • The AUC and ECA to work with continental, regional and specialized institutions to support the design and implementation of programmes, courses, and capacity development initiatives of the African School of Regulation (ASR) to support the implementation of the African Single Electricity Market and Continental Power System Master Plan.
  • The AUC to work with AUDA-NEPAD, AfDB, ECA and RECs, respective power pools, regional regulatory bodies, and relevant stakeholders to design continental mechanisms for regulating and coordinating electricity trade across power pools.
  • L'AUDA-NEPAD, la CUA, l'AFREC, la CEA, la BAD, les pools énergétiques et les partenaires de développement pour évaluer de manière exhaustive la fabrication locale de technologies d'énergies renouvelables et la des valorisations minérales critiques pour la fabrication des piles.
  • Le CEA et l'AFREC vont accélérer la mise en œuvre du projet Energy4Sahel visant à améliorer le déploiement des technologies hors réseau et la cuisson propre dans les États membres concernés.


Last modified on mercredi, 20 septembre 2023 00:31

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