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ASEA and ECA Sign Agreement to Strengthen Development and Integration of Africa’s Financial Markes

juillet 19, 2023 0 689

Addis Ababa, 17 July 2023 (ECA) The African Securities Exchanges Association (ASEA) and the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) have signed a landmark Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the aim of strengthening collaboration and driving the development and integration of Africa's financial markets for sustainable growth.

Signed this week, Monday, the MOU represents a significant milestone in the efforts to develop Africa's capital markets, enhance market capacity, boost investor confidence, facilitate peer-learning, and promote regional integration. The partnership will focus on key areas of cooperation, including conducting studies and research on financial market development and integration, providing training and capacity-building at national, sub-regional, and continental levels, and engaging in policy dialogues and advocacy for African countries, as well as policy dialogues and advocacy for African countries.

The signing ceremony, attended by Mr. Thapelo Tsheole, President of ASEA and CEO of Botswana Stock Exchange, highlighted the importance of the partnership in creating an enabling environment for businesses, fostering investor confidence, and contributing to the overall economic growth and prosperity of the continent.

Mr. Robert Lisinge, Acting Director of the Private Sector Development and Finance Division at ECA, commended ASEA's efforts in building market connectivity in Africa and expressed expectations for fruitful and impactful projects between ECA and ASEA to help African countries develop and integrate their capital markets.

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Last modified on mercredi, 19 juillet 2023 07:59
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